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59.4 x 84.1 cm
Digital art and acrylic on gsm card
Framed - MDF black wooden frame 

In a world where visibility and kindness are more crucial than ever, I believe arthas the profound power to foster understanding, love, and acceptance. This piece of David, reimagined as a trans man, is my contribution to that movement -a bold declaration that everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the artthat surrounds them.David, the timeless symbol of strength, beauty, and heroism, has stood as anicon for centuries. But in this work, I wanted to transform that narrative, to makespace for those who have long been excluded from such ideals of beauty andpower. In this piece, David’s form is not just a symbol of masculinity but anemblem of trans masculinity - a celebration of bodies that are often erased ormisrepresented in mainstream culture.This piece was created with the intention to honour the strength, resilience, andbeauty of the trans community. It is a tribute to those who have had to fight to beseen, to those whose bodies tell stories of transformation and self-discovery.Trans bodies are beautiful in all their forms, and this piece is a call toacknowledge that beauty, to see it as valid, heroic, and worthy of admiration.Representation is not just about visibility - it is about validation. It’s about seeingourselves in the spaces that have historically denied us. It’s about knowing thatour bodies, in all their diversity, are powerful, valuable, and deserving ofrecognition.Through this work, I hope to contribute to the ever-growing tapestry of inclusivity.I hope it fosters conversations about the importance of representation and thepower of art to shape a more compassionate world. We all deserve to seeourselves in the art that surrounds us - not as afterthoughts, but as centralfigures in the story of humanity.


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